Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Christmas so far

Well - our household is full of new experiences. Last Saturday, Deniss and I made some cookies. He had never done that before. So - I taught him about licking the beater and other such things that kids do when "helping" to make cookies. He really did help though - he ran the mixer for me and help drop cookie dough onto the cookie sheets.

Saturday night we went to Callaway to the "Fantasy in Lights" display. It was cold and raining but we didn't complain because we needed the rain so much. The lights are still fun to see - even in the rain.

The boys are taking exams this week. They will be out of school on Friday. I will be taking them ice skating that day.

Deniss has an appointment to take his test for his learners licenses at DMV tomorrow. We were able to make arrangements to have someone from DMV read the questions to him. So - if all goes well, I will be teaching Deniss to drive soon! And Aaron will start in about six months! Say some prayers for us all!

Merry Christmas to anyone reading this!


Thursday, November 1, 2007


Well - Deniss had his first experience with the whole trick or treat thing last night. He had never done that before. He went with Aaron and a friend. He was a "redneck" in camoflage clothing. Only we know how out of character that really was! He had a good time but I really think he is going to get sick from all the candy!

We also participated in a fall festival at church on Sunday night. I really thought he was going to be sick from the candy that night as well.

We have had a wild week so far and it is only Thursday. Besides the Halloween stuff, on Monday night we got a letter from the boys high school stating that two girls had been arrested for discussing a shooting threat in a My Space chat room. It has been in the local newspapers. Yesterday, rumors were flying at the school about another threat. About 25% of the students went home early. We did not get the boys because we felt like the rumors yesterday were not credible. People tend to get a little crazy at times like these.


Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Some of the Likumi Staff hard at work...or not.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Final Good Bye

Deniss giving his long time teacher a last hug before we left on Monday for the last time. Many tears were shed that morning.

Children at Play, Orphanage at Likumi

Various pictures I took of the younger children at play at the Orphanage Likumi. The first image is not play, but preparing the field for play. I explained in another blog about the way they cut the grass. A weed eater makes for a lot of work but they (the kids) do all the grounds work.

A Different Brain Trust

Dougness, our Driver for this trip, Dinah our Facilator/Lawyer and Zenta the Orphanage Director, and Robin has her back to the camera.

Then and Now

If you think the lines on this primitive soccer are brown, they are. The boys at the orphange cut the field with a weed eater, not a lawn mower, then get a different color soil from around the river to make the lines. This is the same field you saw in the Adoptlatvia blog in January.

Just a friendly game of football...basketball to name a few. If you do not recognize Deniss in the pic he is the one with no shoes.